Willow’s Words of Wisdom

Breakthrough voice solutions - do customers really know best?

Written by Willow | 07-Mar-2019 21:26:48

Our research indicates that in roughly 70% of situations our customers approach us telling us what they want to buy.

How did customers become qualified to specify their own solutions?!

Voice is the killer app

Handling voice remains the most basic, yet most important technology functionality for the majority of your customers.

In this world of disruption however, “having voice available” is no longer enough. We need to analyse customers’ businesses to help them make the optimum decision around choice of hardware, software and network solution.

It’s not that we’re brighter than customers…

Certainly, in my case – far from it!

We’re not brighter than our customers – but we do have much more experience in specifying, delivering and supporting this business-critical workload.

In recent times, there has been no shortage of comment around what the best methodology is for delivering voice to business.

Are on-premise solutions redundant? Is public cloud reliable and secure? Would a hybrid/virtualised solution deliver the optimal solution for the customer?

To any such dilemma there is a simple answer – and it’s invariably wrong

The simple answer here is that there is no simple answer. There are, however, a number of questions we can ask our customers to point them in the right direction.

10 key considerations in recommending a voice solution

Here are 10 key considerations you can use to determine the best technical solution for your customer: 

1. Commercial construct

a. Capex v Opex?
b. ROI versus TCO?

2. Scale

a. Business Growth or Contraction?
b. Multi-site deployments?

3. Features and functionality

Cloud and virtualised solutions tend to have less features and functionality in the basic offer and generally have a pay-per-option per user (which is good for smaller firms, but can become cost-prohibitive with growth)

4. Flexibility – does the customer need to accommodate:

a. Business seasonality?
b. Workforce mobility?

5. Existing infrastructure

Existing LAN/WAN investment and deployment can impact on both the commercial and technological decisions

6. Reliability

How critical is up-time and dependence on the internet?

7. Digital security

a. How critical are issues such as network integrity, vulnerability, digital sovereignty?
b. What price is peace-of-mind worth, given current legislation?

8. Technical Considerations

a. Cost of deployment and managed services
b. Remote support versus physical support

9. Technological advantage

Importance of immediate access to software upgrade and applications

10. Need for integration

a. Contact centre functionality?
b. CRM?
c. Artificial Intelligence?

Fill in your details to get your copy of the Aria Technologies Voice Solution Decision Tree to find out more about how to find the optimal solution for your clients.

How else can Aria help?

Some customers may well see VaaS as a “critical fashion statement”. That’s their prerogative. Our collective role, however, remains to understand each customer’s situation and future objectives, and to recommend the optimal solution based on considerations such as those listed above.

Aria Technologies offers a complete set of Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) – iPECS eMG80 and iPECS UCP; public cloud – iPECS Cloud; and hybrid iPECS vUCP to our partners for their customers.

To access a copy of the Aria Technologies Voice Solution Decision Tree or if you’d like to talk through specific customer situations with us so that we can help you recommend the optimal customer solutions, request a free 1-1 consultation.