Willow’s Words of Wisdom

Is the toilet roll half full or half empty?

Written by Willow | 12-Mar-2020 01:17:13

Willow here folks - and I'm on the rampage!

I've always said in this forum that we live in disruptive and turbulent times.  Who would have thought however that this would devolve into fights over toilet paper!

The Aria community has had the highs of our recent Roadshow events, with which we were thrilled.

Now though - back to the real world of Coronavirus and toilet paper.

Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about the perceived economic malaise.  This is our time to shine!  This is our time to help our customers with the genuine challenges they are facing!

Can I assure you - Aria is not planning to participate in any recession and even if there is one we are promoting solutions to assist our partners and customers to overcome the challenges!

Further - Aria has the products and solutions that you can sell to SMBs NOW to really help them out!

Anyone can sell in the good times - the champions come out when the going gets tough!

Over the coming months we're going to focus on the 2 big issues YOUR customers are probably facing:

1 - Reducing their costs

2 - Enabling collaboration and remote working

I'll be coming at you via this blog, to give you suggestions, tips, 1 pagers, battle cards, sales playbooks, ideas and support mechanisms for how you can help your customers with the above 2 imperatives.  I can tell you - if you help your customers now in this way  - you'll have customers for life.

Your customers have legal obligations

Your customers MAY have a legal obligation to assist some of their employees to work from home:


Do they have the apps?  Do they have the necessary infrastructure?  Do they have the bandwidth?

Customer lifeline #1 - remote working

It's trivially easy to set your customers up with a 14 day free trial of Lifesize video conferencing.  Just send them THIS LINK - follow them up - and make sure they sign up.  I'll be following up shortly with a page of suggestions on how you can convert the free trial into paid licenses.

At the going down of the sun, and the rising of the moon..........

.......customers will remember - and stay loyal to - providers that genuinely tried to help them out.

Aria and I are absolutely committed to give you the ammunition you need over the coming months to shoot down Corona fear and genuinely help out your customers.

If you do have any comments or thoughts please do leave them below, or drop me a line.