Top tips to uncover new winning voice opportunities

Voice in the cloud or not in the cloud – that is the question!

Astute readers will recognise the above as a take-off from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet.

Indeed – to quote the next lines:

...whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles...

hamlet[Image via]

There’s a good question – are you proactively helping your customers to ‘take Arms” against a “Sea of troubles” when it comes to their voice services?

The ‘next best thing’ in voice

The telecommunications industry, and in more recent times, the ICT industry has been littered with examples of solutions heralded as the ‘next best thing’.

I can recall when ISDN was launched as a business essential - it was referred to as “Information Subscribers Don’t Need” and this, of course, proved to be very wrong.


[Image via]

In recent times, this syndrome has continued:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS) was the key
  • Businesses would not survive without Unified Communications (UC) - and most recently…
  • The hype around Internet of Things (IOT) is deafening

Voice as a Service

So why has Voice as a Service (VaaS) not been as well-promoted, or indeed, as successful as the uptake of SaaS, Cloud Computing, IoT or Storage for that matter?

  1. Voice is the killer application, yet it is often treated as the poor cousin, when really it is the core function of all businesses. (Indeed, who can name a business that can function without the humble phone call?)

    LIP-9071 iPECS Cloud
  2. Customers are confused when it comes to VaaS

Should your customers remain with on-premise solutions - or some sort of hybrid/virtualised solution - or be “brave” and move everything to the cloud?

Unsurprisingly, to those of us who are not ideologues of technological fashion, the answer is a firm and definite “maybe”. It (of course) depends on the customer’s situation.

Not everyone needs VaaS – Aria Technologies is supporting you to find out who does

Today’s customer does not necessarily require Cloud (VaaS) - they get to choose!

Currently, Aria Technologies offers the most successful on-premise CPE solutions for SMB businesses in Australia. We command over 40% market share in the Telstra TBS programme – and we’re still growing year-on-year.

But – for your customers – should it suit, Aria Technologies can now deliver VaaS via both iPECS Cloud & very soon, Virtual iPECS to complement our CPE solutions and give you the opportunity to provide choice to your customers.

Unearth the VaaS opportunities within your customer base

iPECS Cloud is a great solution – but you need to target the right customers at the right time.

To help you in this regard:

  1. Download our Sales Playbook that will assist you to uncover VaaS opportunities within your customer base
  2. Download the Aria Technologies iPECS Cloud brochure to assist you in understanding the details of the solution
  3. We’re always here to help – so, request a free 1-1 consultation on how you could run a campaign to identify opportunities for VaaS within your customer base!

iPECS Cloud Sales Playbook

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