The results are in!
We ran our survey to establish the top challenges you see your customers facing around remote working and - without getting all statistical on you (not my forte) in priority order they are:
- Security concerns
- Reliability of VPNs
- Poor voice quality
- Problems accessing company applications
- Distractions/loneliness.
Now we know - but now is also the time for ALL of us - Aria, Partners and customers - to start bouncing back!
Here's some commentary on each of these issues, to guide you in your discussions with customers:
- Network security is one of the biggest issues with working from home. One of the more interesting things to come out of Covid-19 is the way it forced businesses to enable users to work from home, even though the technology has been around for many years and extremely reliable when set up correctly. We always recommend all devices to be connected via a VPN (site to site if possible) and to ensue firmware updates are done on all devices. In addition to this, having a Firewall in place will ensure that you are following best practices for cyber security. Aria Technologies can assist with two of the world’s best firewalls - LANCOM Systems UTM and Check Point.
- VPNs are failing due to heavy usage and not enough bandwidth at the head office. This can be rectified by installing an enterprise grade router (LANCOM) and using HSVPN and application routings. This is all available using LANCOM Cloud. In addition to this, the LANCOM solution has the ability to provide a 4G fail over for business continuity.
- Poor voice quality can be hard to trace - the issue in most cases can be fixed with enabling Quality of Service (QoS). When working from home, we would recommend setting up a site to site HSVPN. This will add a layer of control to the home network and provide a level of QoS. In addition to this, the added benefit of using a site to site HSVPN is the added level of security and the ability for the home user to have access to all the same applications as if they were in the office.
- To ensure priority access to company applications a customer can choose 2 different VPN connections. The first one is an application VPN that sits on a device like a laptop/mobile phone and connects the user via a secure tunnel back to the office. The second is a site to site VPN where we deploy a router at the home (SDWAN), this can do done with zero touch deployment and all company devices can be connected to this device. Laptops can connect via WiFi, phones can be plugged into the router and this will then enable a home user to have a level of control on the QoS but also always be connected to the office VPN. This is the most secure and reliable way to connect to the office. This is also available on 4G.
- Loneliness is a factor when working from home.
Simple applications like video conferencing can help with this. Being able to still see a work friend and/or team will help a user feel like they are still a part of the business and team. This is very important going forward as more businesses will enable users to work from home or work from anywhere. With regards to distractions, a high grade quality headset such as Jabra can help. This will cut out noises around you and allow you to concentrate. Jabra also promote a focus at work stream of music that can help with distractions ( (A dog can help as well - unfortunately we can't provide that for you!)
If you review all of the above at a high level, I think we can focus on 2 areas. Customers want:
- Business continuity
- Working from anywhere.
THESE are the discussions you need to be having with customers now - as we all start to BOUNCE BACK!
In addition to solutions recommended above - iPECS Cloud is a MUST HAVE discussion as a work from anywhere solution.
We all want to bounce back. You have the opportunity through your:
- Sales process
- Product choice
- Marketing programs
- Wrap around services
to assist your customers in this regard.
From an Aria perspective we'll continue to offer eDM templates, marketing tool kits, webinars etc to give you the advice you need.
Indeed - if there's some specific advice you think we can provide - click here to leave your details and we'll immediately be in touch.